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Competitions & Programs

Souths Junior Cricket Programs 2024-25


​What's on offer


The following programs will be provided this season;


  • Woolworths Cricket Blast (Ages 5 to 9 years)​

  • MSW Junior Cricket (Ages 7 to 16 years) - Boys and Girls competitions in Term 4 & 1

  • BWC Harris Shield Girls competition (U15 girls) - Term 4 & 1

  • Qld Cricket BMC T20 competition - Term 1 for U12, U14 and U16 age groups

  • Qld Cricket BMC Club Challenge U16 competition (15/16yr old) - Term 3 & 4

  • Warehouse Winter Cricket for Under 12 to Under 16 and Open age competition in Term 2 & 3

  • Girls Winter Heat League on Sundays in Term 2 & 3 

  • Queensland Sub-Districts competition for Open age groups in Term 4 & 1​​ (in partnership with SBDCC)


Age groups


SJCC and MSW adhere to the Queensland Cricket junior formats where participants are placed based on skill level rather than age i.e. Stage 1, 2 & 3.


To assist parents, the following is a general guide to ages applicable:

*Age calculation is as at 31 August


  • Woolworths Cricket Blast - Junior Blasters – boys and girls aged 5 to 9 years old, who haven't played cricket before.

  • MSW Junior Cricket Stage 1 - boys and girls aged 7 to 10 years. Includes three levels, beginner, intermediate and advanced.

  • MSW Junior Cricket Stage 2 - boys and girls aged 10 to 12 years. Includes six level from Flag Intro, Flag Development, Flag Advanced, Medallion Intro, Medallion Development and Medallion Advanced.

  • MSW Junior Cricket Stage 3 - boys and girls aged 13 to 16 years. Included six levels. Shield Intro, Shield Development, Shield Advanced. Plate Intro, Plate Development, Plate Advanced.


How to register to play


To register for Souths Junior Cricket, visit PlayHQ via the link at the top of this page and complete the online registration and payment. 




Due to the administrative costs and impact on team management, refunds can incur a $50.00 administration fee.  The committee may waive this fee, at their discretion, due to special circumstances (i.e. injury).



If you have any enquiries regarding registration, please email the club at

Woolworths Cricket Blast

Souths Junior Cricket Club provides the Woolworths Cricket Blast (previously known as Junior Blasters) program on Friday afternoons from 5.00 to 6.00 pm at Fehlberg Park, Venner Road, Fairfield.


Blast is the introductory-level program aimed at boys and girls aged five to seven, who haven’t played cricket before.

We request that parents of children aged five assist our coaches with the activities.


Blast involves a series of fun activities designed to teach children the basics of throwing, catching, bowling and batting.


The program is run by club volunteers and parent participation and assistance is very strongly encouraged.


Program schedule


  • Eight week program in Term 4 and a seven week program in Term 1.


The Term 4 2024 schedule will be:

  • Starts – Friday, 11 October 2024

  • Finish – Friday, 29 November 2024


The Term 1 2025 schedule will be:

  • Starts – Friday, 7 February 2025

  • Finish – Friday, 21 March 2025


Clothing and equipment


Registered participants receive a pack, which contains a shirt and hat to wear. Otherwise, school uniform or club or other cricket shirts may be worn. A hat, covered shoes and a water bottle are essential.

All equipment for the program is provided by the club.


Wet weather


If a session needs to be cancelled because of wet weather, a notification will be published on our Facebook page and possibly via email. In the event of wet weather, there will be no make-up training sessions.


Further information

For further information about Cricket Blast, visit Cricket Australia's website.


Metropolitan South West (MSW) Junior Cricket

Souths enter teams in the Brisbane Metropolitan South West Cricket Association (MSW) in both Term 4 (Pre-Christmas) and Term 1 (Post-Christmas) every year. 


Matches are played at our home grounds or away against other teams in the MSW Zone anywhere from Kenmore to Park Ridge and Macgregor to Wolston Park. 


MSW Junior Competitions (Boys)


  • Stage 1 - Introduction or Beginners, Development, Advanced (Saturday morning)

  • Stage 2 - Flag (U11) and Medallion (U12) (includes three divisions Introduction, Development, Advanced) (Saturday)

  • Stage 3 - Shield (U13-14) (includes three divisions Introduction, Development, Advanced) (Saturday)

  • Stage 3 - Plate (U15-16) (Saturday)


MSW & BWC Junior Competitions (Girls)


  • Stage 1 - Laurel (U10) - Introduction or Beginners (Friday night or Saturday morning)

  • Stage 2 - Star - Intermediate (U11-12) & Garland - Advanced (U13-14) (Friday night or Saturday morning)

  • Stage 3 - Brisbane Women's Cricket (BWC) - Harris Shield (U15) (Friday night or Saturday morning or afternoon)




The training days for each age group will be confirmed once teams are selected but are usually Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday afternoon/evening from 4:30-6pm at Souths, Venner Rd Fairfield.


Pre-season training starts in August with matches starting the first weekend of Term 4.


To register follow the link at the top of the page.


Brisbane Metropolitan Cricket - Term 1 T20 Competition

SJCC enter teams in the Brisbane Metropolitan Cricket (BMC) competition held in Term 1 each year for age groups under 12, under 14 and under 16s playing T20 format on Sundays.  In 2025 the we are expecting approximately 24 clubs from the Metro Brisbane area to enter teams. Divisions are to be created to allow better grading and placement of teams by skill level.


Competition Details:


  • 8-week competition - 7 rounds and 1 final

  • Teams can be male, female, or mixed

  • Commencement: Sunday, February 1, 2025

  • Finals in March, 2025

  • Age groups: U12, U14, and U16

  • Games played from 2-5 pm on Sundays

  • No official team training for players in this competition.


To register follow the link at the top of the page.

Warehouse Winter Cricket 2024

Souths Junior Cricket Club (SJCC) enter teams in the Warehouse Junior Winter Cricket Competition in the Under 12 to Under 16 age groups subject to numbers and availability of committee approved volunteers (e.g. team coach, team manager and scorer).  Blue Cards are mandatory for all volunteers.


It is expected that teams will be entered in Boys U12, U13, U14, U15 and U16 and Girls teams in the Sunday Heat League. Team numbers are dependent on registrations.


Player age groups for Winter Cricket is the same as the Summer Cricket age groups.  Effective date for Age: 1st Sept 2023. The minimum level for the Warehouse competition is U12.


IMPORTANT: Players that are below the age requirement will need to be assessed and confirmed eligible by the Committee.  No player is just accepted if they register for Winter Cricket. New players to the club are required to be graded for Winter Cricket.  Grading is a requirement of the Warehouse competition, to assist with the draw format while also aligning to Souths Juniors player safety requirements. 


Winter and Summer Cricket Comparison


There are differences between winter cricket (Warehouse) and the summer junior competitions (MSW).


Some of the key differences are as follows:

  • The minimum level for the Warehouse competition is U12.

  • For U13 and above there are no modified junior rules. For example, the pitch length is 20m, balls are 156g and overs are not capped at a maximum number of balls (eg 8)

  • U12 is the same format as MSW Stage 2.

  • While there are different divisions within an age group these are less than summer junior competitions

  • Matches are longer. The standard is 70 overs per day across two weekends.

  • Matches may be a combination of 1 or 2 day games

  • The Warehouse competition runs from April 29th to mid/late August (inc. finals) and possibly through the winter school holidays.


Competitions are across a wider geographical area than the MSW competition. Travel will could be greater than playing in the MSW competition including a game at either the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast.


Team Placement / Grading


SJCC will endeavour to place players into appropriate teams (age/ability). All new players will need to be graded (this is more from a safety perspective). Players must be at least 10 years old to play U12. For player safety and due to standard cricket rules (no modified junior rules) there will be a minimum playing standard required.


Any friend requests should be included at the time of registration.  


Further information on grading sessions will be provided at a later time. 




The training days for each age group will be confirmed once teams are selected but likely to be either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday afternoon/evening.


Warehouse competition Info


Winter Cricket matches are played on Saturdays from 11:30am - 4:20pm.

The season , starts April 29th with fixtures finishing in August.

MAXIMUM number of players in a team is 13 (11 players for U12).


Registration and fees


The fee will be the same as 2023, $350 for junior competition players. This fee includes training and team equipment costs, ground and coaching fees. Registration fees do not include game day umpire fees that are payable for matches where an umpire is provided. 




Registrations will open in early March, expressions of interest are open now for 2024.


Further information


If you are interested in playing winter cricket at Souths contact us via email


Further information about the competition is also available on the Warehouse Cricket Association website.


Winter Girls Heat League 2024


Souths Junior Cricket Club will enter teams into the 2024 Winter Sunday Girls Heat League.


• Games played on Sundays

• Training once per week - Thursday

• The registration fee is $140. This includes team registration, ground and nets hire fees, match/training balls and team equipment.



• Round 1 - 28 April • Round 2 - 12 May • Round 3 – 19 May • Round 4 – 26 May • Round 5 – 2 June • Round 6 – 9 June • Round 7 – 16 June • Round 8 – 14 July • Round 9 – 21 July • Round 10 – 28 July • GF - 4 August


Age Groups

- Three skill levels subject to numbers:

Foundation – Introduction cricket - Laurel. 20 overs per side - Stage 1 rules

• Intermediate – Some experience - Star/Garland - Stage 2 Rules. 25 overs.

• Advanced Heat – Sound skills. Aiming for RMC/Grade cricketers. 30 overs.


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